Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Years Party

I love this. I really want to show it to somebody, like Ry Ry and Aubry. Those are my friends and Ry Ry and Aubry live far away and their my best friends. I want to do the same thing that Miss. Sara does. Her teach me how to learn about art work, I think. First I made a circle and a triangle and a line, that make a balloon. Then we paint it. Then we draw the number. What is that called? It's two, zero, one, zero. It means that lots of holidays are coming up, because it's the new year. All the brand new holidays start over again. Those sparklies are glued on and that makes it look like a party. Happy New Year! Mom, I said that excited, so will you put a exclamation mark after so people know? HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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  1. Happy New Year Bennett!! I love the balloons and the sparkles! Love aunt Stephie.

  2. I was so excited to see some new art work up! Happy New Year! I think this is going to be a great year!
    Love you,
    Aunt Jackel

  3. Bennett, I am also excited for the new year and all the holidays over again. I love you.

  4. BENNETTE OH MY GOSH I LOVE IT SO MUCH I hope you had a supercalifragilisticexpialadoucous (just a guess)new year. Bennette we need to play soon.
    Love your cousin Mcken.
    Bennette HOW DID YOU MAKE THOSE FIREWORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????


  5. Bennett- I like your picture a lot and I wish you could come to Turkey because there is no snow here and so you could play with me. I love you a lot too.
    Love, Ry Ry
