Thursday, November 5, 2009

Indian Corn

First I made a skinny oval. Then I made the leaves and I colored it green. Then I did up, up, up lines and then across, cross, cross like a potty chart. Then I did lots of different colors. Blue, red, orange, purple. Indians eat it. Then I paint it yellow.
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  1. Did they show you some real Indian Corn at school? It is very colorful. Love you, Grandma Christy

  2. That corn looks yummy! Thanks for sharing your art with me. I love coming home every night and checking for new pictures. You make me smile!
    love you!

  3. I love the corn Bennett. My favorite are the blue, red, orange, and purple ones. You also did a very good job on your lines.Love you, Aunt Stephie.

  4. I love corn and your corn looks really yummy! I wish the corn I eat was as colorful as your Indian corn! Keep drawing great pictures! I love them all and I love you too! Nana

  5. Netgoat and I love looking at your artwork! You are so creative, you will have to teach Chloe how to draw and color as great as you do! Keep up the great work- Do you know how to draw a pilgrim or a turkey? We would love to see that.
